This guy is so awesome and creative. As you know there ae some crap Playercards out there in the Black Ops Lobby. Check out mine by sending me a Friend request HUSLA3X is the name.
Also I am looking for clan members for [LIFE] My clan is Black Ops.
1. Must be at least kind of Beasty at the game.
2. Must communicate during game play.
3. Must be team oriented and not just some really good player than is really playing free for all by hisself during team deathmatch.
Thats it, send request to husla3x on your PS3.
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Call of duty black ops, MW3 - Playstation 3 tips, hacks, tricks, tutorials, videos. Anything cull of duty concerning PS3 from an actual user, addict, gamer. Husla3x. Black ops strategy guide.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Hands down best Black ops Headphones turtle Beach DPX21.

Well after a lot of research and testing I ended up going with the turtle Beach DPX21 7.1 surround sound set. These are in my humble opinion the best set of headphones for playing black ops. If you remember I was torn between the Tritton AX-720 pair and the Turtle Beaches, I wanted surround sound but wasn't sure whether to get the pair with 8 actual speakers (tritton) or the pair with only 2 speakers but from a brand I trusted and loved. I went with the latter.
The turtle Beach DPX21 7.1's are the only real choice after research. The trittons 8 speaker set up sounder all the same on the surround parts because the speakers are like 1/2 an inch from your head, and the headset was just too big and clumsy and flimsy. While the turtle Beach DPX21 7.1 surround sound set sounded like real surround and the sounds sounded farther away from your ear like true surround. I actually took my DR. DRE beats headphone and plugged them up to the DSS surround sound emulator that comes with the DPX-21's and the surround still worked but the bass was even more awesome. The only reason I don't stay with that setup is because there is no way to talk to team mates. Don't get me wrong the turtle beaches are awesome but no headphones beat the $300 Dr. Dre beats for bass not even my sonys.
I am not going to write another full review, did that already here - but I will say that I love these headphones and the surround is superb, and after a week of constant play with them, I know I made the right choice. The sound, comfort and setup are awesome and worth every penny of the $150+ I paid for them. They have dropped in price - sucks for me - rocks for you guys - to $139 at amazon. Check the sidebar amazon picture thingy and click them for the discount.
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Monday, December 27, 2010
Black Ops Killstreak Hack (exploit) Use Killstreak twice.

This exploit is probably going to get patched pretty soon, not sure how many people are using it but I would guess at least a few. This might explain the camping level this month (over the top.
Step 1
Create 2 classes. One with you choice of weapon with hardline and one with the same weapon but with no hardline.
Step 2
Set your killstreaks up, make sure you have selected a good killstreak to earn like Chopper Gunner or Hounds (works on lower lever killstreaks also but why would you?
Step 3
Join a match that has rounds, like Demolition or search and destroy. Make sure you join a match that is on the first round
Step 4
Use your hardline class and earn your chopper gunner Killstreak. Then DON't GET ANY MORE KILLS (that round), STAY ON THE KILLSTREAK AND DONT DIE the rest of the round, camp or something until the next round.
Step 5
In between rounds, before Next round, change to your non-hardline class and get 1 kill and there we go, 2 chopper gunners or dogs or whatever.
I don't really even call this a hack because you can do it on accident but the camping part is pretty gay so I don't use it much. I know you are going to have to try it at least once though so go for it.
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Saturday, December 25, 2010
Call of duty Black Ops $39 - 1 day sale at amazon.
Amazon is having a 1 day sale today on Call of duty black ops - $39 it is usually $59. So if you are thinking about getting the best game of the year... stop thinking and get it. Look at the app in the sidebar and click on the black ops pic. Or Click title or Call of Duty Black Ops $39
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Friday, December 24, 2010
Ghost Pro against BlackBird. Black Ops Pro Tip.
There are a bunch of people saying that Ghost Pro will hide you from a blackbird in Black Ops and it is not true. This video proves it.
The best way to counter a blackbird in Black Ops is to call in a counter UAV or whatever its called, I forget. You can also throw a decoy grenade to confuse it, other than that the best way to beat it is to hide and throw down a claymore until it passes, takes 80 seconds.
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The best way to counter a blackbird in Black Ops is to call in a counter UAV or whatever its called, I forget. You can also throw a decoy grenade to confuse it, other than that the best way to beat it is to hide and throw down a claymore until it passes, takes 80 seconds.
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What Are The Best Headphones For Black Ops Gaming Online.

Headphones are so Important to online gaming (Modern Warfare, Black Ops) that I was having a hard time deciding between Headphones and a LED television. I know, get the television. Usually it would be an easy choice but the television was only a 26 incher for my basement studio setup, mostly used for my computer and I already have a 50inch plasma and another 46 in the bedroom not to mention (why do we do that. say not to mention and then mention it?) 24 LCD in the kitchen. Televisions.... I got enough of but....
Anyway I decided to postpone the LED and get some serious Head Gear for my gaming adventures. I had been using (not regularly) the PX 21's from turtle beach but I lent them to my Son JDOSSTHABOSS (by the way the best player I know) who uses headphones more than me, because his broke. I have a kickass 7.1 surround on the Plasma with vintage speakers for surround and 6 foot court room speakers I got at an auction for the Left, right and center channels, I PWN all game sounds. I want the headphones for the Bedroom setup (Bose 321) which is great for movies and only adequit for my gaming adventures.
I was originally going to get the Tritton AX-720 7.1 surround set because they had 8 separate speakers. I decided on the turtle Beach DPX21 7.1 surround sound set. These are just like my old ones just with surround provided by the DSS system thingy that transforms normal stereo speakers into surround on a PS3 (optical hookup). The DPX21 only have 2 speakers.

All the other surround headphones are just too expensive and sound equal or worst to the Trittons and Turtle Beaches. The Astro A40's are supposed to be the best but why pay $100 more?? Same with the Tritton AX360 They simply are not worth the extra $100 but they are some seriously sexy looking headphones.
WHY I chose the Turtle Beach DPX21's from turtle beach over the trittons?
Well even though the Turtle Beach DPX21's only have the 2 speakers against the Tritton ax-720's 8 - The turtle beach ones have computer generated surround that make the surround sound seem farther than the inch away from your ears than the Trittons, this makes the surround sound so much realer. Plus the turtle beaches don't feel like a heavy helmet on your head. It takes a long time to get use to the trittons, they are huge and heavy.
The Price is about equal but the turtle beaches are just better. I may end up wit the trittons simply because those are the pair that I left on the monitor in the kitchen accidentally while I was doing research and my wife just may get them for me and then I will return them unopened and get the Turtle beaches. You can watch the slide show in the sidebar and read up on them, both pair. Or go back up and click the Picture of the one you want to know more about.
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Friday, December 10, 2010
How to check Connection speed in Black Ops + Cool lag trick.
How to check Connection speed in Black Ops + Cool lag trick.

To check your connection on black ops when you log in to multiplayer go to options and push select, it will show your net and connection speed.
I may be a bit slow with this news but you can cut down on the lag problems in Black Ops by choosing to search only locale servers in the Party Privacy/search preference tab. I use it allot when I am not in a party. If you use it in a party it will drop players that are far away. Ever play with a player in Alaska - redline the whole game, this cuts down on that.
The truth of the matter is that most basic internet connections are crap for online games but since everyone has them it becomes a non-issue until you come up against a player with seriously good connection seed. This is why i use this trick because then I have the best connection usually and the other players move slower in my screen. You will notice that your movements in game are smoother and your kill-rate will go up considerably. I have to say that this may not work all the time but most of the time it will.
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To check your connection on black ops when you log in to multiplayer go to options and push select, it will show your net and connection speed.
I may be a bit slow with this news but you can cut down on the lag problems in Black Ops by choosing to search only locale servers in the Party Privacy/search preference tab. I use it allot when I am not in a party. If you use it in a party it will drop players that are far away. Ever play with a player in Alaska - redline the whole game, this cuts down on that.
The truth of the matter is that most basic internet connections are crap for online games but since everyone has them it becomes a non-issue until you come up against a player with seriously good connection seed. This is why i use this trick because then I have the best connection usually and the other players move slower in my screen. You will notice that your movements in game are smoother and your kill-rate will go up considerably. I have to say that this may not work all the time but most of the time it will.
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Monday, December 6, 2010
Black ops 30-0 on nuketown - awesome Tips.
This guy went 30-0 - I have went 29-0 on modern warfare but my highest on Black ops is 17 - ). My guy JDOSSDABOSS goes 20+ and ) just about daily, he is a madman.
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Sunday, December 5, 2010
MP5 is the best all around Weapon in Black ops - Not Skorpion.

I used both guns for a complete week (3.5 days apiece) and I am going to have to go with the MP5 just because of the consistency of the weapon. The Skorpion is awesome but a bit jiggly at medium to long distances where the MP5 is awesome even across map. This gun actually is excellent as an assault rifle if you use burst fire and don't just try and go rambo for long shots. The correction time is slow on long shots. Check out the comparison video.
Good accuracy
Good range
High ammo clip
Uses same ammo as M9; gets extra ammo if the M9 is used as side arm
Avaliable at low rank
Lots of people use it, therefore ammo is found a lot on the battlefield
Very good iron sights
High damage
High rate of fire
So I am using this gun (MP5) exclusively. It takes so long to get back to your game after weapon switches in call of duty, don't know why, you could swap weapons whenever you wanted in Modern Combat 2 with little or no consequences. So give the MP5 a try for a while and I bet you agree that the extra speed (if you use assault rifle now) will up your kills ration by at least 20% after you get used to it and if you use busrst fire style medium to long range targets.
Get The Black ops Guide 1/2 off till Christmas.
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Friday, December 3, 2010
Big (bleepin) house cat.

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Ten gifts you don't have to leave home to give this christmas.

These are not frivolous last minute gifts (though you can last minute since they are down-loadable) I own and use several of these services and have given many gifts to friends and family ans primary and stocking stuffers. Take my advice and give a gamer a game, a trader the tools to trade with and person at work all the time television for their computer. There are so many things the Internet has changed for the good and for the bad but the good really are good.
1. Video Games. Specifically Modern Warfare 2 or black ops, any kid, nephew, husband will love you forever and think you are the absolute coolest mother, father, uncle, wife alive. Trust me on this and if it comes with and xbox 360 or playstation 3 to play it on, lets just say you better not have any Axe on or you won't survive the ordeal. More Info
2. Forex Software. Forex software costs a bit $100 - $2000 and any business wants or trader wants this because they have been hearing about it all year, if for no other reason. This also can make allot of money in the right hands so it may be a cool gift that keeps on giving. Learn More
3. Satellite TV for your laptop. Yes it is possible and reliable. These software products have been selling like hotcakes for the last 5 years. Learn More
4. Background check software or membership. Face it, everyone is naturally nosy. Modern technology has made it possible to find out anyones information or location in minutes if you have the right tools. This is a $20 gift that they will be thanking you for for years. And it gives like a $200 gift. Learn More
5. Spyware Cleaners and Registry cleaners. You have wanted to buy it all year but just didn't want to spend the money, everyone has, this is why it is a great stocking stuffer. Learn More
6. Gift cards. Ultimate cool gift.You can buy a giftcard for anything and with the Iphone buzz you can even give them a gift application for that. Learn More
7. Movies and DVD's. In the last 5 years watching movies as a family and alone at home at least once a week has went up 450%. Everyone likes movies and that is why this is a great gift for christmas or anytime. You don't even need to go and shop, just go online and make the purchase of a DVD or membership. Memberships cost less than your toothpaste bill a month. Netflix, amazon, independent Online entertainment providers, these are great places to get gifts. Learn More
8. Music CD's. Everyone likes music. Music CD's are costly. Great gift. Learn More
9. How to guides With today's technology you can find out how to do anything, you can build a deck, learn spanish, make you car run on water or even learn how to play the guitar. With digital television, dvd's and the internet, it's just like the instructor is right there in the room with you. So if you have a handyman friend or a loved one who has been trying to learn a language... There is no better time in history for them to learn. Anything. Learn More
10. Therapy. Yes you heard me correctly. Therapy. There are websites that sell self hypnosis products to quit smoking or lose weight, beat your fear of public speaking or over 1000 other ailments and addictions all from your computer screen or entertainment center. Welcome to the future. Learn More
With all of these great gifts there is no more need to worry about last minute gifting. These gifts are received instantly by the giftee. They will like them, admit it, some of them were pretty cool to you also.
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