I recently went Prestige mode on Modern Combat 2 on my PS3 after reaching level 70 in rank. That means I went from A 70 rank (elite) back to a 1 (noob) on the game. I gave back all the weapons I had amassed over the month I have been playing the game online (best Shooting game Ever!!!) and had to join the fight with the crappy guns you start out with. The even took my special skills, equipment, grenades and perks. I hate it so much. I die like I can't play the game.
No Scopes
No Claymore bombs
No Akimbo or 2 guns
No speed adrenaline perk
No red dot to aim with...
If you were to ask me was it worth it, I would have to say that I don't really know because I hate that I don't pwn like I use to but it has made me play more often to get my rank back up. You gain a few things by being in prestige mode. You get the Prestige of showing others online playing that you are good by display a 13 prestige leve you are really displaying a 84 level, you are not to be taken lightly. All that is fine and dandy until you get stabbed turning a corner because you no longer have a heartbeat sensor on your weapon. Makes you want to scream. 2 times a minute over and over again. And again.
If you were to ask me if I would do it again I would say yes. You have to progress and to get better. Where before the high level players could not really play with the noobs so you seldom saw a 11 in a room full of 53's. Now I play in rooms with players who are good and everyone knows the only way to get good id to play with others who are better. I will be so good by the time I reach 70 again only this time in Prestige mode 1.
Once the player enters Prestige Mode for the first time in Modern Warfare 2, they will be rewarded with a sixth custom class slot. The same occurs at every odd prestige level, so a total of five additional custom class slots can be unlocked by Prestige Level 9. In addition, any earned titles and emblems obtained before entering Prestige Mode are not lost. You will get some Prestige Challenges to level up faster and get some new Callsigns.
If a player enters Prestige Mode in Modern Warfare 2, all unlocked weapons, killstreaks, perks and challenges will be reset. The challenges unlocked through Prestige for each gun, however, persist to the next Prestige level (the kills and headshots for each gun's Mastery and Veteran challenges do not reset). This exception also applies to the challenges in the Prestige category that deal with killstreaks (getting a certain number of kills with a specific killstreak reward). Titles, emblems, and accolades are also unaffected.
All Unlocks
Husla3x - Make me your friend on Playstation Home and in the game. I would love to own you.