I have been playing Call Of Duty for a very long time online from the first , through Modern Warfare 2 and now Black Ops and I have never had as many problems as I have had with my connection and Playstation 3 as I have since Black Ops first started being my game of choice.
I know that there are problems in the house of the creators of black ops and modern warfare but I can't understand how they can feel that Black Ops surpasses Modern Warfare 2 at all. On Modern Warfare (Infinity Ward) I complained about connection problems but it wasn't until black ops that I truly realized how stable Modern Warfare is. If I wasn't such a die hard COD fan I would have to say that Black Ops sucks online. There is hardly ever a time when you can just power on your Playstation 3 and play a game, you have to go through try after try to connect to a server, and then pray that you get to do more than wait through a few count downs. Finally when you get in a game match you can never be sure you will make it to completion of that match, not to mention it seems to mess up when you are having your best game.
Now I am hearing rumors of new Maps (needed) but none concerning the connection problems. What good are new maps if you can't connect to them?
I have stated here several times that if Modern Warfare came out with a new game that my copy of Black Ops would instantly become a $70 frisbee, I feel that even more now. I probably have 5 days worth of gameplay under my belt but the only reason I am playing Black Ops is because I expected it to be more like a Modern Warfare 3 type of deal. The competition of levels and gaining points keep me playing but the game is nowhere near the level of a Modern Warfare. I don't know what Activision has planned for the future but they really need to fix the connection problems in Black Ops if they don't want to lose more players from their lobbies than they already have to the older version Modern Warfare 2 - I think about playing it again almost every day.
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